Land Use / Zoning

Land Use / Zoning

CNY Law Firm serving Oneida, Rome, Syracuse, Utica, Chittenango, New Hartford, Whitesboro, Lowville and surrounding areas

Please contact us for knowledgeable, experienced assistance in the attainment of your land use and zoning goals.
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To help clients analyze and pursue their land use goals, Michel J. DeBottis draws upon his significant experience as a municipal attorney and as a policy making member of the Madison County Planning Committee and City of Oneida Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee. 

Michel has represented individuals, local businesses, subdivision developers, national retailers, service companies and restaurant chain franchisees in numerous appearances before planning boards, planning commissions, zoning boards of appeal and governing bodies to help his clients achieve zone changes, zoning modifications, variances, modifications of prior commercial use authorizations and special permits.
In addition to zoning matters, Mr. DeBottis has handled numerous land use matters for land owners, persons or entities under contract to purchase or develop land, in a broad spectrum of commercial and residential transactions involving site planning and subdivision development approval, through appearances at public hearings and before municipal boards. 

In subdivisions and commercial project developments, he works closely with his clients' engineers, surveyors, lenders and others to acquire all necessary municipal approvals and letters of credit and to arrange for the dedication of all public roadways and infrastructure related to his clients' projects.

In his former capacity as Oneida City Attorney, Michel provided guidance to the City's Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals with respect to the various matters brought before them. He also served as counsel to Oneida's Planning Department, Common Council and Mayor in connection with a significant number of revisions to the City's Zoning Ordinance and participated in preparation on the zoning amendments, SEQRA (State Environmental Quality Review Act) compliance documents and draft and final Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS).

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